NCBHS Sliding Scale Policy

North Central Behavioral Heath Systems utilizes a sliding fee scale for individuals requesting services who have no insurance or means to cover treatment. No person is denied services due to inability to pay or lack of insurance. The minimum fee for those below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines is 5% of services billed.

Individuals without insurance may complete a Sliding Fee Scale Application and talk with a client account representative in order to determine the fee based on income and household size. Income is defined as the monthly amount an individual or household receives from work, social security, and unemployment. Household size is composed of all adults and children under the age of 18 residing in the home.

No client is refused services based on inability to pay or lack of insurance.

To apply for financial assistance, you will need to speak with a client account representative when scheduling an appointment. You will be asked to complete a Sliding Fee Application at your first appointment as well as provide proof of income (Income is defined as the monthly amount an individual or household receives from work, social security, and unemployment.)

Sliding Scale Form

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