First Responder Mental Health Tips and Coping Strategies
NCBHS Therapist

The Importance of Self-Care and Mental Health

Stress, anxiety, and depression—these are all real problems that millions of people deal with on a daily basis. Whether you’re dealing with these issues yourself or know someone who is, one of the best ways to get through them is by practicing self-care. The following five self-care tips will help you reach your physical and mental health goals while alleviating some of the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression in your life.

NCBHS Therapist

LaSalle, IL - North Central Behavioral Health Systems was the recipient of two grant extensions that will support expanded mental health and substance use services in Bureau County. The additional dollars will support the expansion of the Substance Use services to the Princeton area, including inside Saint Claire OSF Medical Center. 

NCBHS Therapist

Choosing a Mental Health Service

Mental health illnesses are real, common, and often treatable. An estimated 1 in 5 American adults and children live will a diagnosable mental health illness in a given year, according to Mental Health America. 

Where to find help depends on certain factors like age and the type of illness or symptoms experienced, but help is available. Here are some things to keep in mind when searching for mental health treatment:

NCBHS Therapist

Each year, millions of Americans live with a mental illness. The negative attitudes toward mental health often prevent or delay individuals from seeking treatment and receiving help for their disorders. 

What is Mental Health Awareness Month?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The observation started in 1949 as a movement to raise awareness about mental health and help reduce the stigma that still affects individuals living with a mental health issue or issues.